- Analisis
- Analisis Teknikal
Tesla Motors Inc. Analisis Teknikal - Tesla Motors Inc. Berniaga: 2025-03-07
Tesla Motors Inc. Ringkasan Analisis Teknikal
Below 259.81
Sell Stop
Above 282.63
Stop Loss

Penunjuk | Isyarat |
MACD | berkecuali |
RSI | berkecuali |
Donchian Channel | Sell |
MA(200) | Sell |
Fractals | Sell |
Parabolic SAR | Sell |
Tesla Motors Inc. Analisis carta
Tesla Motors Inc. Analisis teknikal
The technical analysis of the Tesla stock price chart on 4-hour timeframe shows #S-TSLA,H4 is retracing down under the 200-day period average MA(200) after a rebound to one-month high two weeks ago. We believe the bearish momentum will continue after the price breaches below the lower boundary of Donchian channel at 259.81. This level can be used as an entry point for placing a pending order to sell. The stop loss can be placed above 282.63. After placing the order, the stop loss is to be moved every day to the next fractal high indicator, following Parabolic signals. Thus, we are changing the expected profit/loss ratio to the breakeven point. If the price meets the stop loss level (282.63) without reaching the order (259.81), we recommend cancelling the order: the market has undergone internal changes which were not taken into account.
Analisis Asas bagi Saham - Tesla Motors Inc.
Wedbush maintained an “Outperform” rating and its price target on Tesla. Will the Tesla stock price reverse its retreating?
Wedbush maintained an “Outperform” rating and a $550 price target on Tesla. The financial services firm also added Tesla Inc to its "Best Ideas List", citing expectations for a major innovation cycle ahead. The brokerage cites the anticipated launch of a sub-$35,000 electric vehicle by mid-year, saying it could reignite demand and push Tesla toward a two million annual delivery run rate. And secondly, it cites the upcoming rollout of unsupervised Full Self-Driving (FSD) technology in June, a development it values at $1 trillion in a sum-of-the-parts analysis. Wedbush analysts project that Tesla’s autonomous and AI-driven initiatives could eventually contribute 90% of the company’s valuation, potentially pushing its market capitalization beyond $2 trillion. Expectations of rollout of more affordable vehicles and FSD technology are bullish for Tesla stock. However the current setup is bearish for the stock price.
Kajian berikut adalah berdasarkan maklumat kognitif dan diterbitkan secara percuma. Semua maklumat, terkandung dalam semakan semasa, diperolehi dari sumber umum, diakui sebagai tidak tepat sepenuhnya. Oleh yang demikian tidak dijamin, maklumat yang dipaparkan adalah tepat dan lengkap sepenuhnya. Ulasan kemudian tidak dikemaskini. Segala maklumat pada setiap ulasan, seperti ramalan, petunjuk, carta dan seumpama dengannya, hanya disertakan bagi tujuaan rujukan, dan bukan sebagai nasihat kewangan atau cadangan. Kesemua teks dan sebahagian darinya, dan termasuk juga carta, sesama sekali tidak boleh digunakan sebagai cadangan untuk membuat sebarang transaksi untuk sebarang saham. Syarikat IFC Markets dan pekerjanya tidak akan bertanggungjawab di bawah mana-mana keadaan untuk segala tindakan yang diambil oleh sesiapa selepas atau semasa ulasan.